Stanmore Country Park Nature Trail

Post 3: Stanmore Country Park is rich in fern species. The prominent fern immediately opposite the post is the western (or golden) scaly male fern (Dryopteris affinis). Around it are many specimens of male fern Dryopteris filix-mas and broad buckler fern Dryopteris dilatata. Borrer’s scaly male fern Dryopteris borreri and the narrow buckler fern Dryopteris carthusiana also grow in this area.

In spring this section of woodland is lovely with flowers including wood anemone Anemone nemorosa and lesser celandine Ranunculus ficaria (see below). Lesser celandine is a close relative of the buttercup and has very similar shiny yellow flowers. It comes into leaf and flowers in early summer, before the trees have come into full leaf. As soon as it is too dark for useful photosynthesis, all the plant above the ground yellows and dies, storing its nutrients below ground in a corm that looks rather like a dried fig, hence the plant’s scientific name.

Image: Wood anemone and lesser celandine by Steve Bolsover.

To description for post 4

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